
Currently, the linguistic component of gender studies attracts a large number of scientists, however, gender studies in linguistics still do not have a clearly established scientific definition. In the scientific literature, you can find such terms as “gender linguistics”, “linguistic gender studies”, “genderology” (Kamenskaya, 2001) and “linguistic genderology” (Kirilina, 2002). The fundamental works in this area were the works of R. Lakoff, S. Tremel-Ploetz, Y. Kristeva and other scientists. The subject of this article is the gender marking of phraseological units of the English language, considered not only as fragments of the nominative system, in which the gender factor is manifested in its purest form, but also as examples of embodiment in the language of the nation’s worldview, serving as an indicator of cultural information and historical memory of the people. They recorded and reflected the mentality of the people, their way of life, customs, beliefs, national stereotypes and standards, relations within society, historical events, everything that is the subject of national culture and participates in the formation of a conceptual picture of the world, which materializes in language, reflects the linguistic picture of the world.

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