
Exotoxins that produce vaccine strains of the anthrax pathogen are the main source of immunogenicity of anti-selective vaccines used in veterinary medicine. The relevance of the study is due to the search for the most suitable vaccine strains of the anthrax pathogen to obtain high production of exotoxin as a factor of the effectiveness of drugs for the implementation of preventive and safety measures in the field of veterinary medicine. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to examine the productive properties of microbes of the Bacillus genus regarding the production of exotoxin under changes in cultivation conditions during incubation. Microbiological and biotechnological methods and comparative statistical analysis are used to examine vaccine strains of the anthrax pathogen. Strains are selected according to the intensity of growth on nutrient media. A biotechnological approach to obtaining a specific anthrax protein is used to analyse the production of exotoxin by vaccine strains of the anthrax pathogen. When cultured on identical nutrient media, the vaccine strains produce different amounts of exotoxin. Virulent (B. anthracis IBM-92 Z), vaccine (B. anthracis K-79 Z, B. anthracis Sterne 34F 2, B. anthracis 55, B. anthracis SB. anthracis Tsenkovsky II) strains, and anthrax cultures (B. cereus 8035, B. anthracoides 67, B. subtilis BKM 17) are examined. In the course of experimental work, it is determined that the production of exotoxin of various anthrax pathogen strains depends on the medium’s pH. It is established that with identical pH values of the medium and cultivation conditions, the highest production of exotoxin was shown by the vaccine strain B. anthracis K-79 Z. The titer of a specific anthrax protein was 1:64. Changes in the pH of the medium during the cultivation of strains affect the amount of exotoxin formation – the main factor in the formation of specific immunity against the anthrax pathogen. The results of the study can be applied by specialists of the veterinary service to select antigen producers in the development of new drugs against anthrax in animals based on exotoxins

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