
During the migration crisis faced by Europe, European countries began to develop national strategies to solve the problems caused by the crisis. In this sense, the practice of modern migration policy of France is relevant, where despite the long history of immigration, the issues of integration of immigrants have not yet been fully resolved. Moreover, the country is forced to find answers to them in a situation of radicalization of society, caused, among other reasons, by the factor of the clash of different cultures and worldviews, to which the current migration policy has led. The article discusses the main directions of migration policy of Emmanuel Macron. It analyzes the policy statements of French president, as well as the laws and government decisions adopted in France in recent years, such as the Law “For controlled immigration, effective right of asylum and successful integration” (August 2018) and “20 measures to improve policy in field of Immigration, Asylum and Integration” (November 2019) which shape modern French migration policy. It is about the policy of France regarding the admission of refugees, student immigration, immigration on the status of “talents”, as well as professional and scientific personnel, the integration of immigrants. Attention is drawn to innovations related to introduction of quotas in labor immigration, as well as to strengthening cooperation with French citizens living outside France, expansion of French education system abroad. The article identifies the features of Macron’s migration policy which distinguish it from the measures taken earlier by his predecessors. It is about policy of admitting refugees, their access to health insurance, professional training, labor migration – the introduction of quotas, the expansion of preferences in student migration and in the status of “talents”. The projects of high importance for the President of France are projects aimed at strengthening France’s position worldwide in culture, education, science and business, and realizing the underestimated potential of compatriots abroad for this purpose as well.

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