
The results of research conducted in 2022-2023 on the heavy loamy gray forest soil of the forest-steppe of Western Siberia are presented. The experiments were fixed in the Moshkovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. The purpose of the research was to develop technology elements for the cultivation of monoecious Central Russian hemp in the forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Ob region. The following varieties were studied: Rodnik (standard), Vera, Nadezhda, and Surskaya. The soil of the experiment plots is heavy loamy gray forest with a humus content of 3.39% at pH 6.43. There was 16 mg/kg of nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus - 14.8, and exchangeable potassium - 12.8 mg/100g of soil. Meteorological conditions during the years of the research differed both in temperature and in the amount of precipitation. During the growing season, 336 mm of precipitation fell in 2022 and only 306 mm in 2023. In terms of heat supply, conditions in 2023 were closer to the average long-term. The experiments were carried out on plots with an accounting area of 9.6 m2, the repetition was fourfold, the placement was randomized. It is shown that in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, it is effective to cultivate varieties of Central Russian monoecious hemp on heavy loamy gray forest soil: Rodnik, Vera, Nadezhda, and Surskaya. For hemp cultivation for seeds, a norm of 1.1 million of germinating seeds per 1 hectare should be applied providing a yield of 1.78 t/ha. The fat yield reached 280 kg/ha in the Surskaya variety. The fiber yield was higher with a seeding rate of 3.1 and 3.4 million of germinating seeds per 1 hectare at the level of 0.151 t/ha. With a fiber content of 33.2%. The effectiveness of three-time application of growth regulators Epin-Extra and Zircon, chelated micronutrients Siliplant, Toro Combi, and Turmax on monoecious hemp (seed treatment, during vegetation in the phase of 3-4 real leaves and budding) is shown.

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