
Modern society is characterized by rapid changes in the vast majority of its spheres of existence. These trends determine the changing requirements for the process of obtaining, transforming, storing, transforming, transmitting information in the process of learning in educational institutions. Education must be advanced. In these conditions, the model of the educational environment requires improvement. The purpose of the article is to create an educational environment. The functionality of the environment should be based on the principles of integration of natural sciences, digital transformation and computer technology. Various methods were used to achieve this goal. We analyzed and synthesized scientific and methodological literature. We have summarized the best pedagogical experience. The ratio of the development of experimental science and science, and accordingly technology and science determines the level of contradiction between theory and experiment, between theory and life, between theory and practice and is a measure of the development of science. We modeled the structure of a synergistically oriented educational environment. The article identifies the necessary conditions for self-organization. We proposed a structure of a synergistically oriented educational environment. We have developed a scheme of an integrated working body as an example of the integration of knowledge from the natural and technical sciences. The content of learning in a synergistically oriented educational environment involves the creation of nonequilibrium, probabilistic problem situations. Their solution requires the involvement of verbal, abstract-logical, figurative-intuitive, emotional-cognitive resources of students. At the same time, they have to look for a meaningful answer to the problem not within a narrowly specialized subject, but in terms of integrating knowledge of a range of natural sciences and, as time demands, digital transformation and computer technology.

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