
The subject of the study are: the provisions of the current national legislation regulating legal relations in organizations; generally recognized principles and norms of international law in the field of combating corruption; the provisions of the current anti-corruption legislation and other by-laws of the Russian Federation; norms establishing legal responsibility for corruption offenses in organizations; scientific works on these issues; information from the media; judicial practice. Dialectical, system-structural, formal-logical and other methods of scientific cognition were used in the work. The purpose of the study is to substantiate corruption in commercial organizations as an independent criminological system-structural phenomenon. Organizations carry out their activities in various spheres of society, be it social, economic, political, spiritual and others. Corruption in commercial organizations is a high public danger, since it encroaches both on the normal activities of commercial organizations themselves and on the interests of the state, society and individual citizens. In the scientific literature, a significant number of scientific papers are devoted to various aspects of corruption in this area. At the same time, the question of the socio-legal characteristics of this type of corruption for the domestic legal doctrine remains open today. The article discusses the main signs of corruption in commercial organizations, as well as its features.

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