
The article reveals the question on constructing the content of a foreign language lesson in the primary school on the basis of competence-oriented teaching, as the active use of competence, cultural, communicative-activity and personally oriented approaches to teaching foreign languages, the application of information technologies, the improvement of forms and methods of teaching, create new requirements for the content of lessons. The purpose of the article: to define and scientifically substantiate theoretical and methodological approaches to constructing the content of a foreign language lesson according to competence-oriented learning. Methods of research: theoretical (analysis of scientific psychological, pedagogical, linguistic and methodical sciences, curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, studying and generalization of the experience of teaching foreign languages in institutions of general secondary education); empirical (conversations, questionnaires, modeling, diagnostics); experimental (approbation of theoretical positions of the subject under study). The main views on the theory of the lesson are presented, in particular, the concept of “competence-oriented lesson” is revealed, which creates conditions promoting the development of students through the implementation of practical activities, forming competencies, personal qualities, which allow them to operate effectively in different life situations. It is noted that the main goal of such a lesson is the formation of a personality, the disclosure and development of his/her abilities, and the task is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also orientation in various activities. It is emphasized that the process of teaching foreign languages modeling in primary school requires clear parameters of competence-oriented lesson, awareness of lessons typology as the priority forms of learning organization and the peculiarities of constructing its content. It is recommended to apply modern technologies, methods, techniques and means at the lessons of a foreign language in the primary school, to comply with the requirements of the current curriculum and the content of the educational material contained in the textbooks as the main means of study, which will allow the teacher to conduct a clear analysis of the lesson, identify the positive and negative factors of influence on the constructing the content and make its adjustments accordingly.


  • The article reveals the question on constructing the content of a foreign language lesson in the primary school

  • methodological approaches to constructing the content of a foreign language lesson according to competence-oriented learning

  • Використання компетентнісно орієнтованих завдань, на нашу думку, дозволить розв’язати проблему більш якісного засвоєння знань із предмета та здатності їх застосування на практиці, оскільки це сприятиме усвідомленню учнями ролі предмета в сучасному світі, застосуванню набутих знань для вирішення проблем, оцінюванню нового досвіду, контролю ефективності власних дій

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ОСОБЛИВОСТІ КОНСТРУЮВАННЯ ЗМІСТУ УРОКУ ІНОЗЕМНОЇ МОВИ В ПОЧАТКОВІЙ ШКОЛІ НА ЗАСАДАХ КОМПЕТЕНТНІСНО ОРІЄНТОВАНОГО У статті розкривається питання конструювання змісту уроку іноземної мови в початковій школі на засадах компетентнісно орієнтованого навчання. Характеризуються параметри компетентнісно орієнтованого уроку; визначаються типи уроків як пріоритетних форм організації навчання й особливості конструювання їх змісту.

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