
Probably the most common category of litigation in the field of labor law is the dispute over the reinstatement of employees. The existing case law shows that in most cases the courts defend the rights of employees, because in the course of the trial the facts of violations by the employer of the requirements of current legislation during the dismissal of the employee are established. In case of violation of labor legislation, restriction of labor rights of citizens, among other things, inevitably raises the question of bringing the perpetrators to justice and ensuring fair, equivalent compensation and damages in accordance with the European concept of an effective remedy. Thus, traditionally, the grounds and procedure for unilateral termination of employment at the initiative of the employer, including redundancies, dismissal for absenteeism, etc., are often subject to judicial appeal. Further development of labor law seems to be able and should be based on and generalization of judicial practice for resolving labor disputes, reflecting the most acute problems of observance of labor rights of citizens. The study of case law on individual labor disputes is an effective means of gaining knowledge about the current state of legal regulation of labor relations and especially the protection of labor rights of citizens, their typical violations, gaps and contradictions of substantive and procedural law governing these relations. The article analyzes the opinions of scientists on the definition of labor disputes and formulates its own definition. In addition, some issues of resolving individual labor disputes on the reinstatement of the employee were considered and the practice of courts to implement court decisions on this issue was analyzed. Certain features of resolving individual labor disputes on employee reinstatement are noted. Taking into account the special position of the labor dispute as a legal category and the analysis made in this article of the legal regulation of the consideration of individual labor disputes on reinstatement at work is relevant for the science of labor law and the practice of applying the current legislation.

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