
The development of modern sport in general and mountain bike in particular indicates constant changes of factors that affect the performance of athletes (changing the rules and complicating the profile of trails). The combination of the motor manifestations of the athlete in the cross-country during distance covering from start to finish determines the features and structure of competitive activity. Objective. Identify the features and main components of competitive activity in cross-country Olympic discipline that affect race performance. Methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, analysis of competitive activity, expert survey. Results. The main features that characterize cross-country competitive activity were revealed including non-constant conditions of competition, technique of the start, extremes of trails, presence of various obstacles (jumps, counter-slopes, etc.), change of gear ratios, disqualification of athletes, nutrition on distances, etc. It was found that the main structural component that affects the result is distance speed (44,1 %), in the second place start (36,6 %) and in the third place - finish (19,1 %). It is shown that for demonstration of high performance the athlete must have a high level of development of coordination abilities. Conclusions. Studying the structure of competitive activity and its peculiarities makes it possible to find effective means and methods for solving the set tasks and the purpose of preparation - demonstration of high sports results. Inclusion in competition track a large number of technical areas and obstacles requires the athletes to develop physical qualities, especially coordination skills and agility.


  • indicates constant chan­ ges of factors that affect the performance of athletes

  • The combination of the motor manifestations of the athlete in the cross-country during distance covering from start to finish determines the features and structure

  • It was found that the main structural component that affects the result is distance speed

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The development of modern sport in general and mountain bike in particular indicates constant chan­ ges of factors that affect the performance of athletes (changing the rules and complicating the profile of trails). Зок­ рема крос-кантрі, то він має дуже багато особли­ востей, які характеризуються умовами проведення змагань (профіль траси, кліматичні умови (дощ), поведінка суперників на дистанції, наявність різ­ номанітних перешкод тощо) [5]. Мета дослідження – виявити особливості та основні складові змагальної діяльності, які впли­ вають на ефективність ведення змагань в олімпій­ ській дисципліні крос-кантрі.

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