
The article discusses a method of social communication on the Internet based on general professional hobbies in the field of amateur creativity. The relevance of the topic is substantiated by the fact that social life of a modern person in the sphere of social production seems to be extremely formalized, often not allowing the manifestation of personal individuality, which can affect the state of both an individual and society as a whole. Compensating for this deficit makes it possible to engage in amateur creativity in various fields, and communication in social networks with like-minded hobbies can enhance the sociocultural effect of creative satisfaction. The method of analyzing documents (posts of forum participants on the site of sewers "burdastyle.ru") has been used in the research. The analysis has shown that the initially horizontal structure of network communication in the process of forming a network community gradually acquires the properties of a vertical hierarchy, where each participant receives his/her conditional social status with his/her inherent role. Thus, the effect of social stratification arises according to significant social characteristics (material security, level of education, etc.). Long-term participation in network communication with specific participants through the monitor leads to the fact that it can be perceived as a kind of plot of a series, where forum participants acquire the qualities of character-types. The main conclusion of the article is that the creative potential of handmade placed in the Internet space increases many times over, and as a result, an atmosphere of collective immersion into the depths of artistic communication with its inherent function of increasing the vital energy of society and individuals arises.

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