
Introduction. A sterile marriage is one of the key medical and demographic and social problems. In recent years, the specific weight of the male factor in infertile marriage has increased substantially. Male infertility occurs in 50% of infertile marriages and has a multifactorial genesis of disorders, including idiopathic infertility, accounting for 30 to 75% of male infertility, according to different authors. Among the risk factors for idiopathic infertility nutrition is actively studied. Material and methods. The subjects of the study were men (n = 36), with an established diagnosis of idiopathic infertility, the average age of the respondents was 34 years (95% CI 29.5 ÷ 38.49). Fertility was assessed by clinical and laboratory methods (sperm analysis). The study of the actual nutrition was conducted by methods of analyzing the frequency of food consumption and daily reproduction of nutrition. The data were evaluated using nonparametric methods, the capabilities of the Microsoft Excel and STATISTICA-6 package were used. Results. The evaluation of the actual nutrition and the analysis of the correlation of nutrient intake with the characteristics of male sperm with the established diagnosis of “idiopathic infertility” were carried out. The nutrition of this population group is irrational, the imbalance of energy consumption, basic nutrients, macro - and micronutrients, significant deviations from the recommended values of consumption is established. Discussion. Correlations between qualitative and quantitative indicators of the composition of the semen and the level of consumption of essential nutrients have been established. Potential food risk factors for male infertility have been identified (insufficient intake of folate, vitamin PP, vitamin D, vitamin A, linolenic acid, phospholipids, biotin, choline, dietary fiber). Сonclusion. Men diagnosed with idiopathic infertility have a number of food imbalances. Taking into account the revealed correlations of the level of consumption of certain groups of food products and nutrients with qualitative and quantitative indicators of ejaculate, one can speak about the prospects of further studies in this direction on more representative groups.

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