
Few-shot learning has received increasing attention and witnessed significant advances in recent years. However, most of the few-shot learning methods focus on the optimization of training process, and the learning of metric and sample generating networks. They ignore the importance of learning the ground-truth feature distributions of few-shot classes. This paper proposes a direction-driven weighting method to make the feature distributions of few-shot classes precisely fit the ground-truth distributions. The learned feature distributions can generate an unlimited number of training samples for the few-shot classes to avoid overfitting. Specifically, the proposed method consists of two optimization strategies. The direction-driven strategy is for capturing more complete direction information that can describe the feature distributions. The similarity-weighting strategy is proposed to estimate the impact of different classes in the fitting procedure and assign corresponding weights. Our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art performance by an average of 3% for 1-shot on standard few-shot learning benchmarks like miniImageNet, CIFAR-FS, and CUB. The excellent performance and compelling visualization show that our method can more accurately estimate the ground-truth distributions.

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