
 Renato Dantes, “Tato” to most of his colleagues, was given a posthumous award in March 2009 as outstanding researcher by the Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) of which he was past president 2006-2007. A part of his citation reads, “in recognition of his innovativeness, enthusiasm, vigor, selflessness to the end that they will be a testament to what the best of the human mind can accomplish in the field of research, for the restless, ever-seeking spirit that moves and inspires colleagues and subordinates alike to greater heights in scientific studies and research”. The UP Manila Department of Clinical Epidemiology has renamed their Health Policy Course in honor of Dr. Dantes and the research Awards in PCCP are now called by the acronym TATO. These are just but some examples of how even in death, Tato continues to move and inspire others...

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