
We come across Forest Flowers, Garden Flowers, Nursery Flowers, Backyard’s Vegetable Flowers and so also, the particular Divine Flowers originating from respective buds with prescription for several kinds of occasions. If we say that a flower is like Research Paper, the bud becomes Research Proposal. Analogically extended, a bud is folded ‘closed’ on all sides inwardly concealing botanical merits and cannot become flower ‘opened’ on all sides outwardly. This is exactly my way to look at a feasible Research Proposal to differentiate beforehand from an aftermath called the Optimal Research Series! Research Papers may get publicity blown out of proportions at times. Reasons found are such as an exaggerated achievement/secrecy/ confidentiality/ protection/security/public-private-partnership/competition/right-of-sole-proprietorship/registration in agreement/conflict of interests/coauthors’decree/political pressures/guest-actor guidance/termed-privacy in cooperative struggle. But, it is not to be so with a Research Proposal in bulky isolation. A Research Proposal, when highlighted in a befitting manner marking up to the level of a global advantage in potential, it is considered a wise prospectus against a timed out black idea. Concerning the Africa-India Proximity Series on the Vedic Period Earth for a feasible Research Proposal, an attempt is made to construct its salient features numbering five chiefly, the Subject, Object, Importance, Uses and Applications to stand up as a classic and white Research Proposal per se !!

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