
Background: It is expedient to reduce or remove a negative effect of replant disease on new plantations after the old uprooted ones. To solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out the direct researches aimed at identifying the reasons for a negative effect of toxic soil conditions on young fruit plantations. Methods: A vegetative trial, aimed at studying the effect of replant disease on the planted young apple trees after the uprooting of a 34-year-old apple plantation which was grown on the plots after a 50-year-old experimental orchard with apple fertilization systems, was established in spring of 2019. Result: It has been found out in a vegetative trial that the growth of young apple trees weakens considerably in the first two years after planting one-year-old trees. The neutralization of replant disease, when dark grey opodzolic heavy loam soil was fertilized with manure, took place due to enriching it with organic substances. As a result, all the indicators of soil fertility increased and different bio-toxic compounds, which had a negative effect on mineral nutrition of young fruit plants, on their growth process and fruiting, neutralized faster and more intensively.

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