
This report contains revised feasibility studies of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link project. This Link in the western part of India is planned to transfer water from the water surplus regions of Western Ghats to the water deficit regions of Saurashtra and Kutch. The link project includes seven reservoirs proposed in north Maharashtra and south Gujarat. The water from the seven proposed reservoirs would be taken through a 395 km long canal including the 33km length of the feeder canals to take over a part of the command of the on-going Sardar Sarovar Project, while irrigating small enroute areas. This would save Sardar Sarovar water which will be used to extend irrigation in Saurashtra and Kutch region. The main aim of Par-Tapi-Narmada link is to transfer the surplus waters of Par, Auranga, Ambica and Purna river basins to take over part of Narmada Canal command (Miyagam branch) after providing enroute irrigation. Water thus saved in Sardar Sarovar Project, as a result of this transfer, could be taken further northwards to benefit water scarce areas of Saurashtra and Kutch regions in Gujarat. This link mainly envisages construction of seven dams, three diversion weirs, two tunnels (5.0 km & 0.5 km of length), 395 km long canal (205 km in Par-Tapi portion including the length of feeder canals and 190 km in TapiNarmada portion), 6 power houses and a number of cross-drainage works. Besides providing irrigation benefits to the enroute command and Narmada command, the link will generate hydropower of the order of 93.00 Mkwh through the power houses installed at four dam sites viz. Jheri, Paikhed, Chasmandva and Chikkar and in two feeder canals taking off from Dabdar and Kelwan dams. The reservoirs will also provide flood relief to the people residing in downstream areas. Location of project area The project of Par-Tapi-Narmada link generally falls in the state of Gujarat except Jheri reservoir which falls in Maharashtra state. Jheri dam is located in Nasik district of Maharashtra, while remaining dams viz. Mohankavchali, Paikhed, Chasmandva, Chikkar, Dabdar and Kelwan dams are located in Valsad and Dang districts of Gujarat. Par-Tapi reach of canal passes through Valsad, Navsari, Dang and Surat districts of South Gujarat whereas Tapi-Narmada reach of canal passes through Surat, Bharuch and Vadodara districts of Gujarat. Thus, the project area is mainly spread in the districts of South Gujarat except for Jheri dam and reservoir. However, the irrigation benefits of this scheme would ultimately reach Saurashtra and Kutch regions of Gujarat after providing enroute irrigation in the specified commands in Par-Tapi and Tapi-Narmada reaches of the link. Present report

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