
Perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAAs) have been used for 50+ years in materials such as stain-resistant treatments for paper and clothing, lubricants, and foam fire extinguishers. PFAAs are characterized by a fully fluorinated alkyl chain with a terminal acid group. Their long half-lives and ubiquitous environmental distribution create considerable concern for wildlife and human exposure. There is interest in examining temporal trends of PFAAs using the National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank (NMMTB), but NMMTB tissues are frozen and cryohomogenized in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-based materials. Because PTFE supplies may leach PFAAs into samples, this study mimicked collection, processing and storage steps of NMMTB samples and measured PFAA leaching to determine the feasibility of using this sample archive for PFAA temporal trends. We also explored concentrations in Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus, WSDs) and rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis, RTDs) blubber (n=3 and 0) and liver (n=48 and 12, respectively). The materials used in NMMTB protocols may add up to 0.968ng/g perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), 0.090ng/g perfluorononanoic acid (PNFA), and 0.221ng/g perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) to each archived sample. Leaching of PFNA and PFOS from supplies compared to dolphin levels was negligible, but PFOA contributions were substantially higher than levels found in most dolphin liver samples. Therefore, monitoring PFOA temporal trends from the NMMTB would require careful consideration. RTDs had significantly higher levels of PFOS and PFNA than WSDs. Both species have similar life history, trophic status, and foraging behaviors in deep pelagic waters, so differences could be from latitudinal variation in contamination. RTDs stranded in Florida; WSDs stranded farther north mostly in Massachusetts. Juveniles had significantly higher levels of PFOS and PFNA than adults in both species, suggesting growth dilution as they approach maturity. PFOS significantly decreased after 2001 in both species as expected based on changes in production.

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