
This study was conducted on hemipteran bugs on mungbean in Nepal. A trap crop of a variety preferred by the bugs was planted along with the main crop. The tests were performed using a selection of six of the most preferred mungbean varieties [VC6173A, VC6153B-20G, VC3960A-88, Kalyan, Pratikchha, and Saptari local (as the control)] relative to the Saptari local variety. Significant differences were recorded in the number of bugs among the six varieties, with a maximum number of bugs in VC6173A (3.25 bugs/plant) showing the lowest yield. Three different trap crop designs were employed in the field. There was a significant difference between variety Pratikchha as the main crop and variety VC6173A used as the trap crop in two of the designs. The data suggested that VC6173A is a probable trap crop and that those two designs can be employed in the field in Nepal.

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