
In the environment of a hot plasma, as achieved in stellar explosions, capture and photodisintegration reactions proceeding on excited states in the nucleus can considerably contribute to the astrophysical reaction rate. Such reaction rates including the excited-state contribution are obtained from theoretical calculations as the direct experimental determination of these astrophysical rates is currently unfeasible. In the present study, ($\gamma$,p) and ($\gamma$,$\alpha$) reactions in the mass and energy range relevant to the astrophysical $p$ process are considered and the feasibility of measuring them with the ELISSA detector system at the future Variable Energy $\gamma$-ray (VEGA) facility at ELI-NP is investigated. The simulation results reveal that, for the ($\gamma$,p) reaction on twelve targets of $^{29}$Si, $^{56}$Fe, $^{74}$Se, $^{84}$Sr, $^{91}$Zr, $^{96,98}$Ru, $^{102}$Pd, $^{106}$Cd, and $^{115, 117, 119}$Sn, and the ($\gamma$,$\alpha$) reaction on five targets of $^{50}$V, $^{87}$Sr, $^{123,125}$Te, and $^{149}$Sm, the yields of the reaction channels with the transitions to the excited states in the residual nucleus are relevant and even dominant. It is further found that for each considered reaction, the total yields of the charged-particle $X$ may be dominantly contributed from one, two or three ($\gamma$,$X_{i}$) channels within a specific, narrow energy range of the incident $\gamma$-beam. Furthermore, the energy spectra of the ($\gamma$,$X_{i}$) channels with $0\leq i\leq 10$ are simulated for each considered reaction, with the incident $\gamma$-beam energies in the respective energy range as derived before. It becomes evident that measurements of the photon-induced reactions with charged-particle emissions considered in this work are feasible with the VEGA+ELISSA system and will provide knowledge useful for nuclear astrophysics.

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