
This paper discusses the feasibility of developing national benchmark questions on patient satisfaction with hospital care in Australian hospitals. The research was undertaken for the Australian government under the National Health Outcomes Programme. The paper draws on a review of research with consumers to identify issues of importance to them about hospital care. The Australian sources were reports by consumer and community organizations, research reports by hospitals, governments and academics, and data from complaints authorities. The emphasis was on consumers' own views. The main debates on patient satisfaction methodology were reviewed. Published material from the USA and Britain highlighting organizational policy issues was reviewed, as well as literature on benchmarking. Material was obtained through journal searches and identification of organizations which undertake consumer-oriented or service development research. The paper argues that national benchmarking of patient satisfaction is not reliable because patient satisfaction is a poorly understood concept and not a unitary concept. Also, the paper argues that benchmarking is about processes, and that the link between survey results and hospital processes is not well researched or understood. While patient satisfaction surveys appear to promote consumer perspectives, they remain caught within a passive approach to consumer participation in shaping service development and improving the quality of hospital care. The task of government is to mandate consumer feedback, resource the development of expertise and technologies, trial and evaluate approaches to obtaining feedback, disseminate research and effective models, and resource consumer organizations to be participants at all stages. This is described as providing the resources for benchmarking at local levels.

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