
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper SPE 202396, “Middle East to India Pipeline,” by Ian Nash and Matthew Rawlings, SPE, Peritus International. The paper has not been peer reviewed. The complete paper addresses the conceptualization and planning of a Middle East-to-India deepwater pipeline (MEIDP), which is planned to reach a record water depth of 3450 m and cross two continental slopes, an earthquake subduction zone [the Owen Fracture Zone (OFZ)], and outfall debris of the Indus River Fan in 2500-m-deep water. The authors examine the techniques, analysis, and technology development available at the time of writing to make such challenging routes increasingly feasible. Introduction India relies on regasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG) with terminals at major port locations. The Middle East has ready supplies of gas; however, significant challenges exist for a long-distance, ultradeepwater pipeline. South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE) has been developing the MEIDP as a transnational gas infrastructure project to deliver 1.1 billion scf/D from Oman to the Gujarat coast of India by a deepwater route across the Arabian Sea (Fig. 1). The pipeline will be laid as a common carrier pipeline wherein SAGE would be the gas transporter and pay a tariff for pipeline use. Gas buyers and gas sellers will negotiate long-term gas-supply contracts in a tripartite framework agreement. The current work builds on the extensive study of a potential deepwater route of the Oman-to-India pipeline performed in the early 1990s. Economic and political drivers for the project, including project economics, are detailed in the complete paper.

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