
Taking Jiangsu province of China as an example, large-scale underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in salt caverns is proposed to realize peak shaving for wind power. A bedded salt rock, Jintan salt mine in Jiangsu, is selected as the potential site for UHS. And the feasibility of UHS in bedded salt rocks is evaluated. Firstly, the regional geological conditions of Jintan salt mine are analyzed. It shows that this mine has good stratigraphic trapping and meets the site-selection requirements for UHS. Then, a numerical simulation model is established to analyze the stability and applicability of the proposed UHS caverns. The tightness of the UHS salt caverns is also investigated. It is indicated that gas tightness can be favorable once the permeability of interlayers is around 10−18 m2 or lower. Finally, it is estimated that the salt caverns for 36.9 TWh-scale UHS of Jiangsu can be mainly provided by salt mine enterprises, but more attention should be paid to the usability of caverns during extraction. This study provides a feasible and economical solution for fulfilling the large-scale UHS in the Jiangsu, as well as for the regions that are rich in both renewable energy and salt resources.

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