
With a rapidly aging population in mainland China, dysphagia has become one of the common geriatric disorders which creates a huge demand on speech and language therapists (SLTs). The major challenge is the shortage of SLTs in China. In addition, frontline practitioners in mainland China may not be well equipped with the knowledge and practical skills in dysphagia management due to lack of systematic training and the work nature. This study evaluates the self-perceived effectiveness and feasibility of an online training program that aims to enhance the self-assessed knowledge and skills of SLTs providing dysphagia care in residential aged care homes. Sixteen SLTs working in a residential aged care homes in mainland China attended a three-hour pilot online training program which consists of didactic lecture and practical skills activity components. A total of 10 participants completed an online questionnaire one month after the training to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of this online training program. The preliminary results demonstrated participants' self-perception of high training effectiveness in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. A majority of the participants perceived that the training enhanced their theoretical knowledge and all of them perceived that they acquired practical skills. All respondents were satisfied with the online training approach. They also highlighted the advantage and challenges of the online training approach. Online training is an effective and feasible approach for theoretical knowledge and practical skills transfer in SLT training and could ultimately benefit the delivery of services for individuals with dysphagia in mainland China. What is already known on the subject Previous studies have shown that online training approach is as effective as face-to-face training in increasing professional knowledge. Online training programs may be more cost efficient and time efficient when compared with face-to-face training. What this study adds The present study provided preliminary evidence to support the feasibility and effectiveness of using online training on dysphagia for speech and language therapists working in residential aged care homes in mainland China. What are the clinical implications of this work? From the participants' perception, online training approach is effective and feasible in delivering theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It may be a better training approach for mainland China considering the lack of expertise and accessibility to training.

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