
The HIV epidemic disproportionately affects Hispanics in the U.S., with Hispanic women (HW) accounting for 18% of new HIV diagnoses in 2019 despite comprising only 16% of the female population. The imbalance of power related to cultural values and HW's lack of knowledge and low perception of risk for HIV interferes with prevention efforts (e.g., condom use, HIV testing, and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis [PrEP]). It is estimated that in 2019, only 10% of women in the U.S. who could benefit from PrEP were given prescriptions for it. This number is estimated to be significantly lower among HW. PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV, reducing the risk of acquiring HIV from sexual activity by about 99%. To respond to this need, we developed SEPA+PrEP, a biobehavioral HIV prevention intervention that adapted and integrated SEPA (Salud/Health, Educación/Education, Prevención/Prevention, Autocuidado/Self-Care), an empirically validated behavioral HIV prevention intervention, with the evidence-based biomedical strategy of PrEP. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of SEPA+PrEP among cisgender heterosexual Hispanic women (HW). We used a mixed methods approach to gather data from 44 HW living in the City of Homestead and its surrounding communities in Miami-Dade County, Florida. None of the participants knew about PrEP prior to participating in the study, and the majority (70.5%, n = 23) had not used condoms when engaging in vaginal sex during the previous three months. Overall, study results suggest that SEPA+PrEP is an acceptable and feasible intervention to prevent HIV among HW, with a focus on PrEP knowledge, initiation, and maintenance.

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