
Metal orthogonal cutting process involves complex geometry deformation and mate-rial characteristics as large thermal-visco-plastic ow include ductile damage. Simultaneously,the contact with friction occurs in the same zone. To build the nite element model for metalcutting, the nite element mesh will be severely distorted at the region with high gradientof stress/strain/temperature eld. In this paper, a Adaptive remeshing procedure which inte-grates the 3D OPTIFORM mesher, ABAQUS/Explicit solver and eld node-node eld transferalgorithm are proposed to solve these problems. The thermal-mechanical simulation for metalorthogonal cutting is realized to demonstrate our numerical simulation approach. Some simu-lation results are illustrated include continuous chip forming process, thermal-mechanical elddistribution and cutting force in di erent rank angles, cutting speeds and friction conditions.

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