
This pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of systematic variation appling of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn on forage performance of orchardgrass and white clover. The treatments of systematic variation were 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25, and in the Fe/Cu(trial-1), Mn/Zn(trial-2), and Fe+Cu/Mn+Zn(trial-3), respectively. The treatments of Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn(trial-4) were in main-element and in other 3 sub-elements, respectively. 1. Compared with orchadgrass, white clover showed relatively consistent differences in the content of micronutrients as influenced by treatments of the systematic variation. The contents of Mn and Cu in the forages were significantly influenced by the application rates of Mn and Cu, respectively. The contents of Fe and Zn in the forages, however, were not significantly different among these treatments. 2. Compared with orchardgrass in the Fe/cu trial, white clover had not only the low content of Cu but also the Cu content and yield of white clover were greatly decreased by the low rate of application of Cu. In the Mn/Zn trial, the resulted in the severe decrease of Mn-content in both forages. The low content of Mn in white clover tended to be negatively correlated to the Mn-chlorosis, inferior growth and flowering, and low yield. 3. In the Fe+Cu/Mn+Zn trial, the application with and resulted in the relatively great decrease of Cu and Mn contents, respectively. These traits in white clover tended to be negatively correlated to the inferior growth and flowering, and low yield 4. In the Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn trial, the content of every main-elements in the forages were increased especially in Mn. In addition, the contents of sub-elements were likely to be somewhat negatively influenced by the treatment of main-element respectively.

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