
The discovery of Fe-based superconductors (FBS) as the second class of high-temperature superconducting transition (high-Tc) materials after the cuprates generated a significant impact on the community of fundamental and applied superconductivity research. Whenever a new class of high-Tc superconducting materials is discovered, a lot of effort is devoted to growing single crystals and epitaxial thin films for exploring basic physical quantities. Although several properties of FBS are similar to the cuprates (large upper critical fields, resulting from a short coherence lengths, and small carrier density), others are distinctly different. For instance, in FBS the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter is most likely not a d-wave but an s+-wave, depending on the stoichiometry, crystallographic system, and doping level. Additionally, the critical current densities of FBS are less sensitive to the presence of grain boundaries (GBs) than those of the high-Tc cuprates. These features are highly beneficial for the realization of cheaper conductors for high-field magnets at low temperatures. Indeed, several groups have demonstrated FBS thin films on technical metallic substrates and powder-in-tube processed FBS wires as proof-of-principle studies for conductor applications. FBS on technical substrates also give many opportunities for studying how GB networks affect the critical current and how uniaxial strain impacts the superconducting properties. In this article, we review FBS thin films, especially on technical metallic substrates, and focus on application-relevant properties like pinning improvement by natural and artificial defects as well as the transparency of GBs and GB networks. The recent development of FBS thin films on technical substrates and their superconducting properties are presented and the performance gap with respect to films on single crystals is discussed.

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