
A set of lander deployments in a deep marine protected area (MPA; El Cachucho) combining environmental sensors and a baited camera provided insight on the relationship between faunal behavior and oceanographic dynamics. Landers were deployed at different depths, ranging from 500 to 960 m for a period of 24–26 h. A total of 10,989 photographs were downloaded and synchronized using a time code with all the environmental variables recorded (pressure, temperature, salinity, water current, and direction). Total richness accounted for 41 species of different taxonomic groups (21 fishes, 11 crustaceans, 6 echinoderms, and 3 molluscs). The most abundant species were Synaphobranchus kaupii, Mora moro, Phycis blennoides, Helicolenus dactylopterus, and Etmopterus spinax. Arrival times (Tarr) and maximum number of individuals (Nmax) greatly differed among stations.Cluster analysis showed two main faunal groups in relation to depth: those close to the top of the bank and those in the flanks. Species densities were estimated using Priede's equations and compared with those obtained in previous studies using trawl samplers. The relation of species with environmental variables showed high variability depending on the location of the station and the associated variables (depth, current, and water masses). Near-bottom dynamics were consistent with previously known oceanographic patterns at the bank, dominated by background anticyclonic recirculation along the flanks overlaid by strong tidal cycles. Current and hydrography tidally driven phases showed an evident effect in the arrival of species at some locations. Species appeared during specific periods matching the beginning of the flooding phase or end of the ebb phase. Movement rates (cm s−1) were estimated for some invertebrate species, such as crabs (Bathynectes maravigna, 0.66; Pagurus sp., 0.09), the gasteropod Colus gracilis (0.15), and echinoderms (Cidaris cidaris, 0.04; Araeosoma fenestratum, 0.23).

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