
Fauna of parasites of burbot from the Baikal Rift Zone (Lake Baikal, Lake Khuvsgul, and Tsipo- Tsipikan and Kuanda-Chara lakes) includes 46 species of 11 classes. The species composition of fauna of parasites of burbot decreases in the following sequence: Lake Baikal (37 species) > lakes Tsipo-Tsipikan (18 species) > Lake Khuvsgul (15 species) > Kuanda-Chara lakes (11 species). The burbot populations of the studied lakes form two large groups according to the results of cluster analysis of species composition of the parasite fauna. The first group includes the host populations of Tsipo-Tsipikan and Kuanda-Chara lakes; the second combines the burbot populations of the gilfs and estuaries of tributaries of Lake Baikal and Lake Khuvsgul. The use of parasitological data in addition to molecular genetic information and paleontological information brings new arguments to the discussion about the evolutionary history of burbot.

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