
With the proliferation of complex digital systems on aircraft, the need to accurately predict system performance early in the system design cycle becomes imperative. In the past, system designers have relied on ad hoc methods for evaluating performance issues. This has produced systems that have not always worked as originally intended. To alleviate these design deficiencies, formal methods, with supporting tools, must be adhered to during the system design process. The use of performance modeling tools is becoming widely accepted as a way to address timing considerations of system design. An additional incentive for the use of these tools is that they allow the system architect to analyze system component interactions (i.e., bus contention, contention of functions for a processing site, and system repair activity on application performance). This inherent flexibility can result in an explicit specification of the system architecture. This paper addresses a method that supports performance modeling of fault tolerant systems using a discrete event simulation tool. An additional focus is on lessons learned from analyzing these classes of problems. The methodology and supporting work provide system architects with the capability to specify candidate architectures and accurately predict their performance in the early stages of design, where changes to system design is most cost effective. The work has been supported under NASA contract NAS1-18099. Integrated Airframe Propulsion Control System Architecture (IAPSA II). This contract addresses methodology, analysis, and detailed design of integrated control system architectures suitable for high-performance aircraft of the 1990's.

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