
The velocities’ distribution was obtained by interpretation of DSS data along profiles Dikanka - Druzhkovka and Reshetilovka - Sinevka using seismic tomographic inversion of first arrivals. That has allowed to allocate the fault zones. Research has revealed that oil and gas deposits crossing by profile Reshetilovka - Sinevka, are associated with the area of the minimum velocities in sedimentary cover. Sagaydakskoe is associated with salt-dome structure, but Semirenkovskoe and Tymofeevskoe - with deep faults. In the section of Dikanka - Druzhkovka profile all local depressions are characterized by different parameters of fault zones (depth, dip direction, inclination). At the edge of Chutovska and Raspashnovska depressions the high velocity anomaly was detected at the depth of30 kmwith associated fault zones which may serve as channels for oil and gas transision in the sedimentary cover.

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