
The subject matter of this application is to send data from a remote location of a distant main station or a station server from a transmitting device. The transmitting part consists of a microcontroller, the ZigBee module is implemented as a mesh, it is surrounded by a total of three nodes. Continuously every node is transferring the message to the server node, even if anyone node receives an error message will be transmitted from the node and the receiving section the message will be displayed on the LCD with the help of ZigBee and Microcontroller. Wireless sensor networks for (WSN) application due connect with the physical world to the virtual world increases its potential. In addition, progress in microelectronics manufacturing technology reduces the cost of production portable wireless sensors. It tends to distribute the large number of portable wireless sensors in WSNs to increase service quality. Service quality such WSNs is mainly influenced by the failure of sensor nodes. The possibility of sensor node failure increases with the number of increasing sensors. In order to maintain the best Service quality in fault conditions, identification and release of such failures are crucial. A faulty sensor assembly was installed to measure round trip delay (RTD) of the discrete circular back-to-back round trip paths comparison with the threshold value.

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