
The Boltzmann machine is a general-purpose artificial neural network that can be used as an associative memory as well as a mapping tool. The usual information entropy is introduced, and a network energy function is suitably defined. The network’s training procedure is based on the simulated annealing during which a combination of energy minimization and entropy maximization is achieved.,An application in the nuclear reactor field is presented in which the Boltzmann input-output machine is used to detect and diagnose a pipe break in a simulated auxiliary feedwater system feeding two coupled steam generators. The break may occur on either the hot or the cold leg of any of the two steam generators. The binary input data to the network encode only the trends of the thermohydraulic signals so that the network is actually a polarity device. The results indicate that the trained neural network is actually capable of performing its task. The method appears to be robust enough so that it may also be applied with success in the presence of substantial amounts of noise that cause the network to be fed with wrong signals.

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