
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) has been applied to extract the single-chain form factors of the fatty acid (FA) and the dendrimer components in bulk and dilute solution of fatty acid modified poly(propyleneimine) dendrimers (Astramol). The fatty acid chains were covalently or noncovalently linked to the end groups of two generations, G3 and G5. Bulk samples were prepared under contrast match conditions of mixtures of dendrimer-h/FAH and dendrimer-h/FAD to obtain the form factor of the fatty acid components. The solutions were prepared with deuterated fatty acid modified dendrimers in decalin solvent using the contrast match technique. Mixtures of decalin-h and decalin-d were used to match either the dendrimer or FA components. The dendrimer core of both G3 and G5 appears collapsed, without the incorporation of a significant amount of solvent. The G3 FA portion has a size closer to that of the bulk than that of a collapsed FA shell. The G5 dendrimer has the opposite trend.

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