
The basic concept of balanced and healthy nutrition depends on the consumption of right foods at the right amounts. The nutrient of foods is affected by variable factors such as geographical and ecological characteristics, harvest time, processing and transportation, storage, and consumption conditions. High qualified instrumental analyses techniques should be done while the determination of the nutrient levels. Because, the quality of results of the analysis are the most important criterion in creating food composition tables, the database and data sets. In this study, the basic nutrient composition of some economic marine fish was determined. For this, fish were collected from the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea was composites formed from the fish flesh separately for each region. Then, moisture, ash, fat, protein, fatty acids composition, and cholesterol levels were examined with the composites. While the average values were obtained according to the results of the analysis, differences among regions were examined. While the fat content in anchovy, bluefish, bonito, and barbatus is above %10 g/100g, in whiting was approximate %1. Average EPA and DHA values in anchovy are %15,86 and %17,01 respectively. The highest cholesterol was obtained in whiting as around 77 mg/100g.

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