
AIMS: To compare the self-perception of health status between rural and urban elderly and their possible associated factors.METHODS: The study consisted of a secondary analysis of data from the National Health Survey of 2013, conducted by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics, which included elderly who lived in rural and urban environments. The dependent variable was the self-perception of health status (evaluated as very good, good, fair, bad and very bad); and the independent variables were socio-demographic factors, clinical data, functionality of the elderly and household data. Relationships between the variables were tested by the chi-square test, and adjusted by self-perception of health status. The analysis were performed through the Epi InfoTM program version 7.2.1, accepting p<0.05 as significant.RESULTS: Rural elderly people were predominantly males, brown, married, illiterate and gainfully employed, despite having a low economic class. Among the rural elderly, self-perceived health status was more often regular or poor, the household was more often enrolled in the Family Health Strategy and most had no complementary health plan. Rural elderly also had better performance in the Basic Activities of Daily Living and worse performance in the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, had less depressive symptoms and less multimorbidity. Rural elderly presented lower chances of self-perception of good or very good health, even adjusting for gender, race, marital status, occupation, socioeconomic class, coverage by the Family Health Strategy, depressive symptoms, multimorbidity, and performance in the Basic Activities of Daily Living.CONCLUSIONS: The rural elderly have worse self-perception of health status than the urban elderly, even controlling socio-demographic, economic, clinical and health access characteristics.


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Open Access

Eleia de Macedo, Vivian Ulrich, Antônio Miguel Gonçalves Bós, Ângelo José Gonçalves Bós. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a autopercepção do estado de saúde em idosos do meio rural e urbano e os seus possíveis fatores associados. MÉTODOS: O estudo consistiu em uma análise secundária de dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde de 2013, realizada pelo Instituto Nacional de Geografia e Estatística, que incluiu idosos residentes em meios rurais e urbanos. A variável dependente foi a autopercepção do estado de saúde (avaliada como muito boa, boa, regular, má e péssima); e as variáveis independentes foram fatores sociodemográficos, dados clínicos, funcionalidade do idoso e dados sobre o domicílio. Os idosos do meio rural apresentaram menores chances de autopercepção do estado de saúde boa ou muito boa, mesmo ajustando para sexo, raça, estado conjugal, ocupação, classe socioeconômica, cobertura pela Estratégia Saúde da Família, sintomas depressivos, multimorbidade e desempenho nas Atividades Básicas de Vida Diária. DESCRITORES: saúde do idoso; autopercepção; população rural; saúde pública; políticas públicas

Sexo Feminino Masculino
ABVD Sintoma depressivo Multimorbidade
Multimorbidade rural
NOTAS Apoio financeiro
Disponibilidade dos dados e responsabilidade pelos resultados
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