
Information is a strategic resource for organizations. Academic studies and market researches showed that the information has protective tools violated in higher degree by employees than by external threats, which demand implementation of Information Security Policy to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability. This study aims to investigate extrinsic and intrinsic motivators that affect student readiness to comply with security policy which will proposed by university. In the literature review were discussed the issues of information security and deterrence theory together with behavioral factors that influence individual readiness. Therefore, was applied a survey with 18 items in Likert scale concordance, with five points, that focused in readiness factors. The research method is composed of quantitative techniques, being: factorial analysis, cluster and logistic regression. The results showed that sample was fragmented in two groups: higher readiness and smaller readiness to follow security policy. In conclusion, it evidenced that severity of punishment has the most influence on user’s readiness.

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