
The use of Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) technology in working processes has advanced in the last years and has become practically a path without return, mainly in organizations that is its business process based on the creation and workflow of documents and an extensive staff. Despite the advantages, the challenge of deploying a solution in an environment as described as previous, with risk of wastage of financial resources, issues and time is great. In that direction, the present work has the objective of identifying critical success factors that influence EDMS implementation initiatives. In order to achieve this goal, an bibliographical research was conducted that brought together the main authors of the theme and allowed the literature review to find the concepts and definitions of the research area. After this step were identified 14 critical success factors that served as the basis for the construction of a research instrument applied to specialists in information technology and document management at a brazilian public university on the factors influencing initiatives to implement an EDMS. Based on the analysis of the data collected through consultation with experts and on the counterpoint to the findings in the literature review, relevant considerations were made in case of initiatives to implement this kind of systems in order to suppress eventual failures. The factors considered most relevant in the opinion of the specialists were: Top Management Support; Strategic Planning; Collaboration; IT Implementation Team; Data Quality; Security and Privacy / Trust; ICT Infrastructure. As a contribution, it is expected that the attention to the critical factors surveyed will lead to better planned and executed EDMS implementation projects, with possible risks identified in advance, thus increasing their chances of success.

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