
The potential of embryonic stem (ES) cells to differentiate into inner ear hair cells was examined in this study. Undifferentiated mouse ES cells transplanted into neomycin-damaged mouse inner ears were evaluated by immunohistochemistry 4 weeks after transplantation. Some ES cells were positive for E-cadherin or NCAM, and most transplanted cells were positive for SSEA3 and Ki67. None were positive for Myosin VIIa or MF20. These results indicate that the damaged inner ear may have some activity inducing ES cells to develop into ectoderm cells, but the effect was insufficient to induce inner ear hair cells. Next, SDIA/BMP-treated ES cells were transplanted into embryonic chicken inner ear rudiments. Embryonic chickens were expected to share the same developmental systems as mice. SDIA/BMP treatment drove ES cells to the population including neural crest cells and probably placode cells ES colonies were found next to or in the otic vesicles but were not a part of vesicle walls, indicating that transplanted ES cells could not be expected to be the same kind of cells as chicken otic vesicle cells Some ES colonies were found at the vestibulo-cochlear ganglions. To induce inner ear hair cells in this system, the competency of ES cells and otic induction signals should be defined further.

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