
Direct electrochemical reduction of iron ore in concentrated NaOH electrolyte has been proposed as a potential route to substantially reducing the global steel industry’s CO2 emissions. Here, we report the solid-state electro-reduction of sintered pellets formed from titanomagnetite ironsand. This commercial iron ore contains ∼4 wt.% Ti which is directly incorporated within the magnetite lattice. At 110 °C, these pellets are electrochemically reduced and exhibit a well-defined reaction front which moves into the pellet as the reaction progresses. The electro-reduction process selectively produces iron metal, whilst the Ti content is not reduced. Instead, Ti becomes enriched in segregated oxide inclusions, which are subsequently transformed to a sodium iron titanate phase through taking up Na+ from the electrolyte. These inclusions adopt an elongated shape and appear to exhibit locally preferential alignment. This suggests that they may nucleate from the microscopic titanohematite lamellae which naturally occur within the original ironsand particles. The expulsion of contaminant Ti-oxides from the final reduced metal matrix has implications for the potential to development of an industrial electrochemical iron-making process utilising titanomagnetite ore. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.


  • Iron and steelmaking is responsible for 7% of total global CO2 emissions [1], making it the second largest industrial source

  • Ti becomes enriched in segregated oxide inclusions, which are subsequently transformed to a sodium iron titanate phase through taking up Na+ from the electrolyte

  • We have demonstrated the electrochemical reduction of sintered titano-magnetite ironsand cathodes in concentrated NaOH electrolyte to produce α-iron

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October 2020

Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Keywords: titanomagnetite electrolysis, alkaline electrolyte, iron electrowinning, ceramic cathode

Results and discussion
Electrochemical behaviour of ironsand pellets in NaOH 50 wt% solution
Electro-reduced ironsand pellets
Morphology and phase development
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