
AbstractMSMA (monosodium methylarsonate) was applied to rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘Labelle’) plants at weekly intervals from the time the plants were 46 cm high until heading. Each application was to a different set of plants. The sprayed plant tops were analysed for MSMA immediately after spraying and at weekly intervals thereafter until heading. MSMA deposits became completely absorbed after one week and then the total residues declined exponentially to background levels with a half‐life of about 15 days. Plant stunting effects depended on the amount of MSMA applied and the rate of growth at the time of application. Sterilisation effects depended on the amount of MSMA applied and the proximity in time of the application to panicle initiation. A mathematical model of the data showed that sterility symptoms were consistent with calculated MSMA concentration in tissue at the time of panicle initiation.

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