
Ethylene glycol intoxication is potentially fatal and associated with typical clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings. The authors present the case of a 57-year-old male with a history of chronic alcoholism and who accidentally ingested approximately 1 litter of antifreeze solution. The patient was discovered comatose in his house and addressed to the emergency department with a Glasgow coma score of 3, severe metabolic acidosis, acute renal failure, atrial fibrillation and liver dysfunction. Despite reanimation manoeuvres and haemodialysis for 2 h the patient deceased 5 h after hospital admission. Necropsy examination revealed a stomach with oedematous walls, mucosa erosions and signs of bleeding together with a disorganised, granular single kidney with unidentifiable corticomedullary border. Histopathological examination displayed typical findings in the kidney such as autolytic changes of the epithelium and abundant calcium oxalate crystals in the lumen of the proximal tubules. Ethylene glycol intoxication is frequent in our country and its metabolites glycoaldehyde, glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid and oxalic acid are responsible for the severe metabolic acidosis and formation of calcium oxalate crystals in various organs and leading to severe multiple organ dysfunction and death. Forensic pathologists should be aware of clinical and biological manifestations as well as of typical histopathological findings as ethylene glycol is commonly ingested accidentally or used in homicidal/autolytical attempts.

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