
We consider the fundamental problem of constructing fast circuits for the carry bit computation in binary addition. Up to a small additive constant, the carry bit computation reduces to computing an A nd -O r path, i.e., a formula of type t 0 ∧ ( t 1 ∨ ( t 2 ∧ (… t m −1 ) …) or t 0 ∨ ( t 1 ∧ ( t 2 ∨ (… t m −1 ) …). We present an algorithm that computes the fastest known Boolean circuit for an A nd -O r path with given arrival times a ( t 0 ), …, a ( t m −1 ) for the input signals. Our objective function is delay, a natural generalization of depth with respect to arrival times. The maximum delay of the circuit we compute is log 2 W + log 2 log 2 m + log 2 log 2 log 2 m + 4.3, where W := ∑ i = 0 m −1 2 a ( t i ) . Note that ⌈ log 2 W ⌉ is a lower bound on the delay of any circuit depending on inputs t 0 , …, t m −1 with prescribed arrival times. Our method yields the fastest circuits for A nd -O r paths, carry bit computation, and adders in terms of delay known so far.

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