
Triangle counting is a representative graph analysis algorithm with several applications. It is also one of the three benchmarks used in the IEEE HPEC Graph Challenge. Triangle counting can be expressed as a graph algorithm and in a linear algebra formulation using sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM). The linear algebra formulation using the SpGEMM algorithm in the Kokkoskernels library was one of the fastest implementations for the triangle counting problem in last year's Graph Challenge. This paper improves upon that work by developing an SpGEMM implementation that relies on a highly efficient, work-stealing, multithreaded runtime. We demonstrate that this new implementation results in improving the triangle counting runtime up to 5× to 12× on different architectures. This new implementation also breaks the 109 barrier for the rate measure on a single node for the triangle counting problem. We also compare the linear algebra formulation with a traditional graph based formulation. The linear algebra implementation is up to 2.96× to 7× faster on different architectures compared to the graph based implementation. Furthermore, we present analysis of the scaling of the triangle counting implementation as the graph sizes increase using both synthetic and real graphs from the graph challenge data set.

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