
To provide the quality assurance for various samples test, fast testing methods of the performance of laser confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy system for cell analysis are developed. The silicon wafer was used on the performance test of LabRam INV system produced by Horiba JY. The silicon wafer can not only be used for system calibration (the band of 520.7cm-1), but also for the evaluation of the system performance. The curves of the intensity at the band of 520.7 cm-1 as a function of laser intensity radiated on the sample, pinhole and time were achieved. The results show that the intensity at the band of 520.7 cm-1 change linearly with the laser intensity, which can be used to evaluate the laser intensity radiated on the sample. The intensity changes with pinhole can be used to determine the size of pinhole for different purpose. The stability of Raman system can be determined by the variation of the intensity at the band of 520.7 cm-1 with time, which helps to decide whether it is suitable for other sample test.

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