
Currently, several devices (such as laser scanners, Kinect, time of flight cameras, medical imaging equipment (CT, MRI, intraoral scanners)), and technologies (e.g., photogrammetry) are capable of generating 3D point clouds. Each point cloud type has its unique structure or characteristics, but they have a common point: they may be loaded with errors. Before further data processing, these unwanted portions of the data must be removed with filtering and outlier detection. There are several algorithms for detecting outliers, but their performances decrease when the size of the point cloud increases. The industry has a high demand for efficient algorithms to deal with large point clouds. The most commonly used algorithm is the radius outlier filter (ROL or ROR), which has several improvements (e.g., statistical outlier removal, SOR). Unfortunately, this algorithm is also limited since it is slow on a large number of points. This paper introduces a novel algorithm, based on the idea of the ROL filter, that finds outliers in huge point clouds while its time complexity is not exponential. As a result of the linear complexity, the algorithm can handle extra large point clouds, and the effectiveness of this is demonstrated in several tests.

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