
In this contribution we describe NEPIR, the fast-neutron irradiation facility under construction at the 70 MeV cyclotron SPES facility of the INFN laboratory of Legnaro (LNL). NEPIR will be constructed in stages, according to the available funds. The initial configuration, based on a thick Be neutron production target, will be operational in 2022; it will be used for shielding studies against fast neutrons for space applications and to investigate neutron-induced Single Event Effects (SEE) in microelectronic devices and systems. In its final configuration NEPIR will have two target systems: one will deliver a Quasi Mono-energetic Neutron (QMN) beam, of general interest, with an adjustable energy peak in the 20–70 MeV range; the second target will deliver a specialized continuous energy neutron beam for studying the effects of fast neutrons produced in cosmic ray air-showers in electronic devices and systems. We review the use of NEPIR to characterize the sensitivity of electronics, describe the neutron production targets and the facility layout. In closing we describe ways, presently under investigation, to use the 15 MV XTU Tandem of LNL to produce nearly monochromatic fast neutrons that would complement the QMN system by allowing one to probe for SEE below 20 MeV.

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