
Multi-view clustering attracts considerable attention due to its effectiveness in unsupervised learning. However, previous multi-view spectral clustering methods include two separated steps: 1) Obtaining a spectral embedding; 2) Performing classical clustering methods. Although these methods have achieved promising performance, there is still some limitations. First, in computing spectral embedding, multi-view spectral clustering approaches exist high computational complexity since they usually need eigenvalue decomposition on laplacian matrix L. Its computational complexity is O(n<sup>3</sup>) where n is the number of samples; Second, in constructing similarity matrices, previous methods need to compute similarity between any two samples; Third, the two-stage approach only can obtain sub-optimal solution; Fourth, treating equally all views is unreasonable. To address these issues, we propose a Fast Multi-view Clustering via Prototype Graph (FMVPG) method. Specifically, the prototype graph is firstly constructed, and then simultaneously perform spectral embedding to obtain the real matrix and spectral rotation to get the indicator matrix. In addition, the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is used to solve the joint optimization problem. Further, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed FMVPG approach. These experimental results show the comparable or even better clustering performance than the state-of-the-art approaches.

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