
We propose and study ways speeding up of the entangling operations in the trapped ions system with high fidelity. First, we find a scheme to increase the speed of a two-qubit gate without the limitation of trap frequency, which was considered as the fundamental limit. Second, we study the fast gate scheme for entangling more than two qubits simultaneously. We apply the method of applying multiple frequency components on laser beams for the gate operations. In particular, in order to avoid infinite terms from the coupling to carrier transition, we focus on the phase-insensitive gate scheme here. We carefully study the effect of large excitation of motional mode beyond the limit of Lamb–Dicke approximation by including up to second order terms of the Lamb–Dicke parameter. We study the speed limit of multi-qubit global entangling gates without individual addressing requirements. Furthermore, our gates can be made insensitive to the fluctuation of initial motional phases which are difficult to stabilise in the phase-insensitive gate scheme.

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