
The principles of fast modelling (FM) of a low-pressure radio-frequency capacitively coupled discharge are presented. They are based on averaging over fast electron and ion motions and on eliminating a small spatial scale, the Debye radius. As a result, the solution of a self-consistent system of the electron kinetic equation, Poisson and ion continuity equations takes approximately 10 min on a 486 PC. The calculation of discharge parameters has been performed for a wide range of current and pressure. The comparison with full-scale Monte Carlo calculations and experimental data has been performed. The performed comparisons demonstrate that the developed method of fast modelling has a good accuracy for calculating the global parameters such as central plasma density, applied voltage, sheath thickness, ionization rate, etc, and the profiles of plasma density and the electric fields. The accuracy of the electron distribution function (EDF) calculation is high when the EDF form is not enriched by slow electrons, and seems satisfactory in the case of a strongly peaked EDF. The results are in qualitatively good agreement with the experiment. The quantitative agreement is mainly within a factor of two. This discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that the EDF form is very sensitive to the details of plasma description, e.g. small variation of cross-sections results in considerable changes in the EDF. The mechanism of non-Maxwellian EDF formation due to non-locality effects has been analysed. The evolution of the low-pressure radio-frequency collisional capacitively coupled discharge with current and pressure variation has been investigated.

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